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Goals Looking Forward to 2019

I could not have asked for a better end to 2018! Peak performance of my company increased 40% YoY and I was able to lead the charge ensuring the company didn’t have operational challenges preventing us from driving online sales. All in all, it was a wild end to the year and I forgot I haven’t put together a blog post quickly detailing out what my goals are for this year! I posted this on my Instagram a few weeks back but thought I would also supplement it with a blog post!

Believe it or not, this is the first time I have ever written out my goals and had to sit down to think about them in detail. I reflected on how 2018 went and now it is time to drive results for 2019! I have decided to break my goals out this year into three different categories: Financial, Personal/Relationships, and Health/Spiritual. At this moment in my life, these are the things that are important to me and I want to try to push myself to be the best version of myself I can be. Here we go!

Financial Goals for 2019:

  • Max out my 401k at $19,000 by 3/31
  • Max out HAS of $3,000 by 3/31
  • Max out Traditional IRA by 3/31 Having to remove this goal as I no longer qualify to invest money into either a Traditional or ROTH IRA due to my income. I didn’t realize this last year, but after speaking the firm doing my taxes this year, I am happy to take this off the list.
  • Keep both rooms in my home rented out for 90% of the year. One bedroom renting for $1,000/month and the second renting for $900/month.
  • Increase my W2 total compensation to $250,000+
  • Increase savings rate to 80%
  • Optimize taxes through tax loss harvesting, and payroll deductions for HSA
  • Invest $100k in my cousins bar, Whiskey Row, in Denver
  • Purchase a second house hack


  • Spend $100 per month going out with friends with the focus being to create more deep and meaningful relationships
  • Be open and outgoing to others. Seek to make a new connection with at least one person per week.
  • Randomly perform one act of kindness each week and keep a journal of each
  • Document my path to financial independence through blogging and Instagram
  • Grow traffic to to 100 unique visitors per week


  • Find a new diet to get on that will help with inflammation of my arthritis
  • Meditate twice per day for at least 10 minutes each.
  • Calm the mind, become less stressed and always kill Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANT’s)
  • Perform a S.A.V.E.R.S. Miracle Morning at least 5 days per week. Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, Scribing
  • Each morning wake up and write 3 things I am grateful for

I am sure this might seem like a task that shouldn’t take long to perform and really think out, but I can tell you from going through this exercise I am not good at getting this down on paper.

Actions: I plan to read this at least twice per week and keep myself in check to see if I can stick to these goals this year! Will be very interesting to see how everything ends up going.

Let me know what you think and as always don’t forget to add me on Instagram @TheYoungRetireeBy33.

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